Recently a colleague of mine discovered Bitmojis and was informed that “they are so 2017.”
Well, I don’t care how late she is to the party, Bitmojis are awesome! They’re also a great way to amp up your classroom. I’ve used my Bitmoji for my website (obviously) but I also used it for my business card and my open house Slides. When I shared my logo Bitmoji with my techie bestie, I immediately had to show her how I did it too. I figured if I was going to make a video tutorial for her, I might as well share it with everyone. So here you go!
Video Highlights:
- Bitmoji has a Chrome Extension (Get it, love it)
- You can save a Bitmoji and remove the solid white background to be able to place it on new backgrounds or create your own logo USING WORD. (Mind explode, I know)
- Use a PNG Bitmoji to create your own custom Bitmoji (think logos, posters, presentations)
Ok, now you have a Bitmoji.png. Are you now thinking, “Wait, why do I need a PNG?” You need it so you can place just the Bitmoji outline on any background without the block white outline.

Here’s how to create your own logo or scene using Google Drawing.
Here are a few additional ideas for ways to use your new Bitmojis at school! Shoutout to my amazing friend Bridget for letting me share all of her awesome signs for her library/media center! Also, check out Mrs. Smith’s awesome sign she cut apart to place around a mirror in her classroom. Love it!!!
Perhaps this helped you to revive your love for Bitmojis or maybe inspired you to use your Bitmojis in new ways. I’d love to see how you use Bitmojis in your classroom too!
Let’s get Techie!