Extension Obsession


I am OBSESSED with Google Chrome Extensions.  I have found so many extensions that have been total game changers or just really fun party tricks.  In fact, I found so many extensions that I needed to find an extension to organize my extensions.  (Extensity, in case you were wondering) Check out some of my favorites here!  Not sure what an extension is?  I've got a video for that too.Bitmoji Image

Extension Name: Alice Keeler Gradebook Split     

What It Does: With one click of the extension, Gradebook Split will split your tabs equally on the screen into side by side windows.

Why I Love It: Picture this, you're trying to complete grades on the left screen while student work or your grade book is open in view on the right.  No more toggling!

Grab it in the Chrome Store Here

Extension Introduction and more extension favorites are coming soon!

I want to hear about your favorite extensions too! Contact me via email, Instagram, or Twitter!

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